“Video calling is one of the most requested features from people in India. We’re proud to have the opportunity to launch this feature in India, where we now have 160 million users, and we look forward to seeing people use WhatsApp to talk to their friends and loved ones face to face,” said Jan Koum, the CEO, and Co-Founder of WhatsApp. The operation is very similar to voice calls: just open a chat window, tap the phone icon and from the menu that appears, select the Video call option. But, the call will be connected only to users who already have the feature enabled or using a beta version of WhatsApp. Earlier the instant messaging application WhatsApp started with messaging and Group Chat, later it added the voice calling feature. But, now finally the instant messaging application WhatsApp started rolling out the Video calling feature as well. “We want to make these features available to everyone, not just those who can afford the most expensive new phones or live in countries with the best cellular networks,” WhatsApp added. Hence, “we’re obsessed with making sure that voice and video work well even on low-end phones,” Koum said. However, with the addition of the video calling feature, now WhatsApp will compete with the Apple’s FaceTime, Microsoft-owned Skype, and Google’s newly launched Duo – among others – for a share of the video calling market.