With Maelstrom project, a Web browser to its distributed, BitTorrent has already near its Web P2P technology. While slightly different, WebTorrent goes further. Under development for two years and still in beta, WebTorrent is indeed a “client” for BitTorrent Web browser. It works with all browsers “modern” does not need a plugin that installs and enables to share files directly from the browser, with no configuration required. Also Read: How to Increase uTorrent Download Speed

WebTorrent Introduced BitTorrent That Streamed From Your Browser Written in JavaScript

Everything to gain

In other words, after two years of development, WebTorrent P2P opens to all websites that wish to distribute their content in a decentralized manner and also save bandwidth. Imagine a site like YouTube that would host the videos on a server and which for the most popular, deport all or part of the accommodation on a P2P network. Same for non-profit services like Wikipedia, which ‘could reduce bandwidth costs and accommodation allowing visitors to participate. Popular content would be served browser to browser, quickly and inexpensively. The contents are rarely solicited reliably served by the HTTP origin server “, puts into perspective the project site. Here’s the new Web Browser Streaming torrent as WebTorrent over WebRTC Also Read: Top 10 Best Torrent Sites 2016 The gain bandwidth could be colossal, the savings also. For users, the change may be transparent or even beneficial. No wonder that many web players interested in its technology. This is the case of Netflix, which mentioned WebTorrent in a job a few months ago. In the United States, according to the latest study Sandvine, Netflix accounts for 34.7% of the bandwidth consumed in North America. Technology that would lighten the load of giant servers SVoD can only be welcomed. Also Read: How To Disable Ads In uTorrent And BitTorrent

All will win

It also avoids the delays that users might experience during rush hour. “If Netflix uses WebTorrent, users would see a better quality video during the hours of peak demand. WebTorrent allow customers of one service provider to share bits of video together without leaving the ISP network “, explained to TorrentFreak Feross Aboukhadijeh. Also Read: How to Download Torrent Files Using IDM (Updated) If it is not said that Netflix will skip the step, other Web players showed interest. The Internet Archive would like to use it for the dissemination of its videos. Other more anecdotal projects already use this technology. Besides WebTorrent home page, which gives a good idea of ​​its operation, a site like File.pizza can copy and paste the link magnet any torrent file for playback later in a browser, to exclusion of Internet Explorer, of course, which is not compatible with WebRTC.

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