Chris Jecks

All Stats in Tunic

There are five main stats in Tunic that can be leveled up as you progress through the game. These are:

AttackDefenseHealth PointsStamina PointsMagic Points

Leveling Up Stats in Tunic

To level up these stats, head to one of the fox shrines where you can heal up (and where enemies respawn). Instead of pressing A to rest, though, press LB when stood in front of the shrine. This will bring up your inventory screen and in the bottom right-hand corner, you’ll see five different items, shown in the screenshot below. Select one of these and you’ll see an amount of orange crystal currency appear above it. This indicates how much you’ll need to hand over with the item selected in order to improve one of your stats. Press A and then confirm the choice again, and a short cutscene will play where you sacrifice the item in the fire of the shrine. Your stat will then be leveled up.

Where to Find Stat Leveling Items?

These items are found in treasure chests scattered throughout the game’s open world and in some of its dungeons, so make sure to thoroughly explore as you’re making your way through the game. That’s everything you need to know on how to ‘level up’ in Tunic and improve stats. For more tips and tricks on the game, be sure to search for Twinfinite, or click the links for more of our coverage on this charming indie below.

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