All programs and applications we are utilizing. They have an expiration date, at least the older versions. Where developers consider this period to stop the support and fix difficulties and vulnerabilities, making it imperative to use the latest version or shift to options; starting today, this position will be in Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10.

The Last Day of Using Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10 Version

Microsoft stated the date they will stop maintaining the support of versions 8, 9, and 10 of its Internet Explorer browser. This date is January 12, which means today. Since then, after Afterall, Microsoft released no updates or any further support regarding Internet Explorer versions, as mentioned, and they also asked users not to use that. Otherwise, it will be exposed to potential security holes that appear in the future. Privacy and data may be compromised at any point in time. Also Read: How To Recover Deleted Browser History Microsoft has been responsive to launch an announcement where the circumstances illustrate users and invites them to taste the most current version of users’ browsers. It is also possible to take a chance on Microsoft Edge, the new browser from Redmond firm that has come with Windows 10 OS. It has unique features like the capability to take notes on web pages or full integration with Cortana. For now, many users are hesitant to embrace it no longer offers the same possibilities as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, for example, not support extensions. Also Read: How To Protect Google Chrome Browser With Secure Browsing Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox have advanced down to the right opportunities and without Internet Explorer in recent years, with the two favorite programs for browsing the Internet becoming more favorable to users. Although from different concepts, both are reasonable solutions and great alternatives. Users who still have Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10 can take a chance on one of these two browsers, be regularly updated with the latest developments, and apply automatically.

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