Oculus Rift has achieved great success and great interest among users thanks to news such as that Minecraft has landed on the platform. But the times change and the hardware must evolve, something that in theory will occur with the future Oculus Santa Cruz helmet.

A new device: Oculus Santa Cruz

Oculus itself has been responsible for presenting its new creation in the framework of Connect 4 today, a conference for developers. Since Quark VR showed its advances in the HTC Live wirelessly, one might think that launching a Virtual Reality device without cables will not be such a competitive advantage. But the real difference will be how much power is capable of offering a helmet of these characteristics capable of running without cables. The new Oculus creation, which has been confirmed for 2019, should be able to meet those power requirements, since the same company compares its performance to that of a PC, and do so wirelessly. Too bad that the hardware specifications have not yet been unveiled so we can get an idea of what we might expect. It is worth noting another of the great details of Oculus Santa Cruz, which is the no need to install beacons in the room in which the helmet is going to be used. This is something that is necessary for other devices like the HTC Vive, but it is also a feature that gives more independence and mobility to the Santa Cruz.

Mobility and power

It seems that freedom will be one of the keys to the future of Virtual Reality. We speak of a freedom that will exist in two senses, on the one hand, will have a relevant role the development possibilities offered by the new hardware, and on the other hand will be also crucial the movements and displacements that allow the creations without cables. So, what do you think about this new Oculus Santa Cruz? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.