To be able to focus their equipment in this new area, the tech giant Apple will be preparing a dedicated processor for artificial intelligence, giving it the processing power that it needs. More and more equipment is being prepared to have processors dedicated to specific functions, freeing the main processors to devote to their main functions. The tech giant Apple has already started doing this a few years ago with its co-processors. So far, all the processing dedicated to Artificial Intelligence that Siri uses is done by the main processor and the graphics processor. This will change soon, as the tech giant Apple preparing a new processor dedicated to Artificial Intelligence that will be applied to their devices, with all the advantages that this will bring. Among these advantages, the most obvious will be the optimization of these processes, having dedicated instructions, and also the improvement in the battery life, when releasing the main processor. The presence of this dedicated processor will still allow Apple to open programmers access to their entire universe of artificial intelligence, further enhancing what can be created with it. Apple will follow the path others have followed. Qualcomm already has in its Snapdragon 835 processor a module dedicated to artificial intelligence instructions, which is already used by Samsung on Galaxy S8 and S8+ to control Bixby. HTC also has this processor in its recent U11. With Apple’s plans for the upcoming iPhone 8, which is expected to bring the new A11 processor and several augmented reality areas, this processor will be the ideal support for all your needs. So, what do you think about this? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.